Not all Egyptians are doctors, pharmacists, engineers, or lawyers. Some of us have deviated from the dreams of our loving parents and have instead pursued careers in…other fields (We’re looking at you, Mena Massoud). As our diasporic community develops, we’re discovering the diversity in our Coptic identity.

At Coptic Voice, we’re committed to doing just that- exploring the variety, ingenuity, and individuality within our Coptic identity. What does it mean to be “Coptic?” We’re in search of that answer, but we can’t do that without the continued support from our Coptic community.


We call upon you, our readers and fellow Egyptians to share your perspectives, tell us your story, or finally put into words the arguments you’ve been making for years. Whether it’s a poem, a short story, a personal essay, a feature on a mentor, or a historical and cultural analysis of our history, we publish it all so long as it fits our community guidelines. Whether you fit the “Coptic” mold or break it, we want to hear from you! You could be a passionate engineer, a Copt struggling to become a movie director, or a seminarian contemplating the role of Coptic identity in Orthodoxy; Whatever your field, we want to present the most varied and overarching representation of what it means to be “Coptic.”


This is all to say that if you’ve got an idea, let us know! We’re looking for submissions and new authors, so the time to submit is now. Email me at and we’ll work together to create a memorable piece. Writing experience isn’t necessarily required, just experience and authority within your subject matter. As our community expands, we have an increasing desire, and need, to explore our community. Together we can ensure the continued cultivation of our Coptic identity. At Coptic Voice, we can make you, your story, and your Coptic experience heard.



Note: If you have nothing to say (for now) but like what we do and want to support us, please consider supporting us on Patreon! Just a few dollars a month goes a long way in making this platform happen.


Sophia Soliman serves as the current Editor-in-Chief of Coptic Voice. She is a double major studying Political Science and Journalism at California State University, Long Beach. She’s passionate about discovering the Coptic identity, examining international cultures, and utilizing new forms of media to make the world a smaller, and more culturally accepting, place. Her favorite hobbies are listening to her record player, cooking, and reading anything she can get her hands on. If you have an idea of something to write about, or need some help to cultivate your ideas into a piece, feel free to email her at

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